0%Survey Completion
We are happy to offer a re-stock order of NewBeat cardiac rehab materials, including the NewBeat cardiac rehab discharge sticker. Please submit your order by September 24, 2024. 

Materials will be available for pick up at the Friday, November 8, 2024 Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network (MICR) annual meeting.

We recommend that you check with your organization regarding any requirements for the use of your logo or patient-facing educational materials before you request materials. You can also download, customize, and print the materials at any time by visiting michigancr.org/providers.

If you need any support, contact us at info@michigancr.org with any questions or concerns. 

Your Information

Name (First, Last)
What is your email?
If Not Listed, please share your healthcare organization:
Name of your cardiac rehab facility (enter n/a if not applicable)
If you would like any of your materials customized with your organization's logo. Please submit the logo as a .jpeg, .jpg, .png, or .svg.
or drag here
Which CQIs (if any) do you participate in? (click all that apply)
Materials will be available to pick up at the MICR Fall In-Person Meeting on Friday, November 8, 2024 (10 AM to 3 PM) at the H Hotel in Midland, MI. 

Will you or a delegate from your practice be able to pick up your order in-person?
Your shipping address
0% Survey Completion